3rd open call for financial support

The final open call for financial (Route 2) support is open for applications from 9th October to 4th December 2024. Applicants can apply to join the following support actions. 


 #1: Managing data types, schemas and vocabularies and crosswalks for FAIR researcher related metadata 

The support action will introduce successful applicants to three tools developed by the FAIRCORE4EOSC (FC4E) project. These include the Data Type Registry (DTR), vocabulary service, and Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR). 

In this support action the participants will use one or more of the FC4E tools to enhance the machine-actionability of their existing schema and crosswalk specifications. This could mean for example the registration of schema from public APIs to the MSCR and creation of mappings from those service specific data models to common formats such as Datacite and DCAT or creating a metadata schema using enriched schema elements registered in the DTR.

Successful applicants will receive 5000 € to support their participation. 

The call is closed - learn more


#2: Creating EOSC compliant interoperability policies based on EOSC Interoperability Framework (IF) 

One of the main concerns when we deploy a service, especially those related to data, is how this service can work with others. This is relevant for services to be integrated in the EOSC ecosystem. The creation of the EOSC IF is an effort to analyse the gaps and problems addressed in this context. Also, it provides recommendations to improve this integration. One of the main challenges is to translate these recommendations into specific actions. This question is addressed in the work being done by FAIR IMPACT in the context of the production of interoperability guidelines. 

In this support action, successful applicants will analyse the interoperability status of their services using tools such as the Compliance Assessment Tool (CAT). After this analysis, we will identify actions that they can carry out to improve the interoperability of their services based on the guidelines provided. 

Successful applicants will receive 5000 € to support their participation. 

The call is closed - learn more


#3: Testing the trustworthy and FAIR-enabling repositories prototype

FAIR-enabling and trustworthy data repositories play a central role in making and keeping data FAIR over time. While there is ongoing debate on what constitutes trustworthiness, there is broad agreement that transparency and evidence is essential to enable end users to make informed decisions about the repository services they use. In this support action successful applicants will have the opportunity to test a prototype developed by FAIR-IMPACT to expose relevant metadata at the organisational and object level.

Successful applicants will receive 5000 € to support their participation. 

The call is closed - learn more


#4: Implementation of a shared API for semantic catalogues 

A lot of valuable information in the form of ontologies, vocabularies, etc. are publicly available and are contained in numerous catalogues. Our aim is to facilitate increasing the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability) of these catalogues via the use of a common data model to describe the holdings of the catalogues as well as the adoption of a common Application Programming Interface (API) to query the catalogues.

We invite Semantic Artefact Catalogue (SAC) providers to apply to join this support action to implement an API based on the Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication (MOD) ontology to promote interoperability and enhance access to SACs. This API enables a uniform interface to semantic artefacts (SA), enabling seamless querying by stakeholders, regardless of domain. This open call is an opportunity for SACs to participate in a community-driven effort to improve the FAIRness of their resources through the adoption of this API.

Successful applicants will receive 8000 € to support their participation. 

The call is closed - learn more


Open call details

Support actions announced via website

30 September 2024

Webinar to showcase the support actions on offer and

Watch the recording

09 October 2024 14-15 CEST

Grant platform open for applications 

11 October 2024

Informal virtual clinic for potential applicants to ask questions about the support actions and application process

Watch the recording

13 November  2024, 14-15 CET

Deadline for applications to join support actions

4 December 2024

Evaluation and selection of applicants

end of December 2024

Applicants informed of decision

10 January 2025

Expected start date for support actions

mid to late January 2025 (see each support action for specific dates)


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If you still have questions about the support actions and open calls please contact opencalls[at]fair-impact.eu.