Support offer #2: Creating EOSC compliant interoperability policies based on EOSC Interoperability Framework (IF)


One of the main concerns when we deploy a service, especially those related to data, is how this service can work with others. This is relevant for services to be integrated in the EOSC ecosystem. The creation of the EOSC Interoperability Framework is an effort to analyse the gaps and problems addressed in this context. Also, it provides recommendations to improve this integration.

One of the challenges is to translate these recommendations into specific actions. This question is addressed in the work being done by FAIR IMPACT in the context of the production of interoperability guidelines. In this support action, selected participants will analyse the interoperability status of their services using the FAIRCORE4EOSC Compliance Assessment Tool (CAT). After this analysis, participants will identify actions that they can carry out to improve the interoperability of their services based on the guidelines and support provided.


Applicants to this support action will make analyse the interoperability status of their services and define concrete actions to improve their status. 

Who should apply?

This support action is suitable for data service providers. 

Skills needed to participate

Applicants should have knowledge about semantic interoperability.

Virtual workshops 

This support action will consist of three virtual workshops. 

  • Introductory workshop including a demonstration of the Compliance Assessment Tool (CAT) applied to interoperability policies
  • A midpoint workshop to allow for discussion about the results obtained from the analysis.
  • A final peer exchange workshop to share the outcomes of actions taken to improve interoperability.  
Support providers and mentors 
  • Esteban González (UPM)
How much time will this support action require from participants? 

In addition to participation in the four virtual workshops, successful applicants are expected to:

  • Carry out independent work to assess the status of semantic interoperability of their service. During this time participants will have access to regular office hours to receive support;
  • Provide feedback on the interoperability guidelines and to share their experiences with implementing them.

We anticipate that this will require about 10 days of effort between lateJanuary/early February and April 2024.

What FAIR-IMPACT will provide to enable participation?

5000 €  will be provided to support staff time for each participant/small team to participate in this support action. Funds will be paid upon successful completion of the support action. The amount provided is based on the number of days required to participate in the action using a flat daily rate and not the size of the team (i.e., 5000 euros is the maximum award regardless of the team size). 

What do we expect from participants?

  • Active engagement in the three virtual workshops plus the required independent work in between the workshops;

  • Engage with their peers throughout the process to share experiences with each other and with mentors

  • Provide feedback about the criteria used in the Compliance Assessment Tool (CAT) around interoperability

  • Provide feedback about the FAIR-IMPACT guidelines

  • Participation in a mandatory exit interview which will result in a published Implementation Story to share real life experiences in making FAIR a reality

  • Participation in follow-up questionnaires.
How many applicants  will be supported?  Up to 5 individuals/teams will be supported to participate in this support action.

Start your application


Supporting materials


Timeline for this support action
Introductory webinar (recording available) 9 October 2024

Call platform open for applications

11 October 2024  

Deadline for applications

4 December 2024

Applicants informed of decision

8 January 2025

Start date for support actions

mid to late January 2025

Who can apply? 

This call is open to individuals, groups or organisations from public and private research-performing organisations, including:

  • Research-performing organisations and research infrastructures;  
  • Repositories, data and metadata service providers; 
  • Representatives of national and international level initiatives. 

Applicants must reside and/or work in an EU or Associated Country for the duration of the grant. A key aim for FAIR-IMPACT is to prioritise support for organisations, groups, and/or individuals based in countries or representing domains that are currently less advanced in terms of their FAIR enabling capacity2.

The call is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations nor to individuals who hold the status of FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT.