Who can apply for FAIR-IMPACT Open Calls?
Applications are welcome from individuals or small groups from public and private organisations and initiatives including:
- Universities, research centres, and research infrastructures;
- Repositories, data, and metadata service providers;
- Representatives of national and international level initiatives.
Applicants must reside and/or work in an EU or Associated Country for the duration of the grant for Route 2 support. If you have any questions about your eligibility please contact us using opencalls[at]fair-impact.eu.
For applications to in-kind (Route 1) support programmes, FAIR-IMPACT will prioritise support for organisations, groups, and/or individuals based in countries or representing domains that are currently less advanced in terms of their FAIR enabling capacity and EOSC readiness. Route 1 support is available to applicants outside of the EU.
Please note that financial support (Route 2) is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations nor to individuals who hold the status of EOSC FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT. However, we may consider allowing such organistions to join in an observer capacity (i.e., without financial support).
UPDATE: Please note that as part of this open call, FAIR-IMPACT is bound to adhere to the ‘Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2506 of 15 December 2022 on measures for the protection of the Union budget against breaches of the principles of the rule of law in Hungary’, which places restrictions on which Hungarian entities can become a beneficiary of European Commission-funded projects. Please see the European Commission FAQs on the Decision here.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q1. How can I/my organisation apply to this Open Call?
To apply, you and/or your organisation must comply with criteria concerning your eligibility to receive funding, outline how your chosen support action/programme aligns with your work, and confirm that you have the relevant experience needed to implement the support action.
Your proposal will need to be submitted using the TRUST-Grants platform being used by the FAIR-IMPACT project. If you do not already have a FAIR-IMPACT website account, you will need to create one first to access the Open Call dashboard in the platform. You can save a draft of your Open Call application and return to it at a later date if necessary.
- Q2. What information is needed as part of my application?
As part of your application for the Open Call you will be asked to provide:
- Your name, contact details and organisational affiliation. Where the application is being made on behalf of a group, a nominated lead participant will need to provide these details;
- The type of organisation you are based at; The country you are based in;
- The support programme/action you are selecting.
In addition to this information, we expect you to clearly demonstrate the following:
- Willingness to participate in the required workshops, hackathons and meetings that are outlined as part of the specific support programme/action (these will be held virtually);
- How your chosen support action will aid or align with your work. This will be in the form of a short statement on how your participation in the given support action will benefit your organisation and how you plan to build on the outcomes;
- Confirmation that you meet the person specifications outlined in the specific support action description (for Route 2 support actions only, for example, the ability to progress the outcomes of the support action within the organisation, technical expertise, etc.);
- Willingness to participate in an exit interview within a month after the end of the support action which will be used to draft a FAIR-IMPACT Implementation Story;
- Willingness to participate in periodic follow up questionnaires and/or interviews.
- Q3. What will FAIR-IMPACT provide for each support action?
FAIR-IMPACT will provide a dedicated support package including virtual workshops, expert guidance, and advice from FAIR-IMPACT project partners and resource providers, to enable successful applicants to implement a particular tool(s) or approach.
For financial (Route 2 support) only: FAIR-IMPACT will also provide financial support of up to a maximum of 10.000 EUR to successful applicants to enable their participation, payable by invoice to the individual or their organisation upon successful completion of the support action. Each support offer will make clear the amount of financial support being made available to successful applicants. The exact amount of the financial support will vary across the support actions as it is calculated using a standard day rate of 500 EUR against the effort required to carry out the work. The maximum amount of effort required to participate in any support offer will not exceed 20 days over a period of a maximum of four months. In most cases, we anticipate that the number of days required to participate in support offers will be between 5-10 days for participants over a 3-4 month period. Funds may be used solely for supporting staff time to carry out the support offer activities. The funds may not be used to support travel, catering or purchasing of equipment.
We welcome applications from teams, but it is important to note that the funding provided is based on the number of days required to complete the action rather than the number of people involved. For example, a successful application with one member of staff taking part will receive the same amount as a successful application from a team with four members of staff taking part. Financial support will be payable by invoice to the FAIR-IMPACT project coordinator (KNAW-DANS) upon successful completion of the support action and participation in an exit interview.
- Q4. What are my/my organisation’s contractual obligations during and after the receipt of the grant?
This applies to applications for financial (Route 2) support only. Financial support to third parties (grantees) raises the following contractual obligations:
- Prevention of Conflict of interest;
- Confidentiality and security;
- Ethics and values;
- Visibility;
- Information, and;
- Record-keeping.
Under FAIR-IMPACT’s obligations to its funder, concerned with checks, reviews, audits and investigations, certain bodies (i.e., the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), and the European Court of Auditors (ECA)) can also exercise their rights towards the recipients of funding from FAIR-IMPACT.
The above are in line with the European Commission’s rules for providing support to third parties. Full information on all of the above will be contained in the contracts issued to successful applicants.
- Q5. What types of support actions will be offered?
For in-kind (Route 1) support only: For those who are just getting started with supporting the FAIR Principles or are less advanced on their FAIR-enabling journey, FAIR-IMPACT offers dedicated support including expert guidance and advice from FAIR-IMPACT mentors and external experts, practical advice, and one-to-one support to:
- Undertake a supported self-assessment of current FAIR-enabling practices;
- Develop a FAIR implementation action plan for internal use;
- Devise an engagement strategy.
The support programmes offered via Route 1 are targeted to three key stakeholder groups:
- National level initiative;
- Research performing organisation;
- Repositories and data service providers.
For financial (Route 2) support only: The FAIR-IMPACT project is working to refine or augment a number of current and emerging FAIR-enabling approaches and solutions with our integrated use case partners. Below is a list of example support offers that may be developed over the life of the project (this list will be refined and updated with details as the offers are defined):
- FAIRness assessment challenge for datasets and semantic artefacts;
- Enabling FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate for content/metadata discovery and consumption;
- Implementing specifications of shared metadata descriptions of semantic artefacts and their catalogues;
- Testing guidelines for creating a user-tailored EOSC-compliant Persistent Identifiers policy;
- Applying FAIR-enabling guidelines for research software within EOSC;
- Implementing components of a metadata schema designed to improve legal interoperability.
- Q6. Can I propose my own specific tools, approaches or solutions for use in the support programme/actions?
For in-kind (Route 1) support only: This support Route gives Research Performing Organisation (RPOs), repositories and, data service providers, and national-level initiatives the opportunity to be supported in the self-assessment of FAIR-enabling practices and the co-development of FAIR implementation action plans. Participants are encouraged to flexibly implement the support to fit their environment and goals. Tools, approaches, and solutions will be provided by FAIR-IMPACT mentors and external experts, but participants are also welcome to introduce other resources they find relevant to integrate in their action plan and inspire other participants.
For financial (Route 2) support only: You cannot propose tools or solutions to be supported through this or any future Open Calls for Support. The FAIR-IMPACT Open Call for support will provide a list of clearly defined support actions which will employ specific tools, approaches and solutions. Through these Open Calls, support will be available for these specific tools, approaches and solutions only.
- Q7. Can I apply for other FAIR-IMPACT Open Calls if I have already participated in a support action?
Yes! Applicants are free to apply to more than one support programme and/or support action being offered by FAIR-IMPACT. FAIR-IMPACT will employ a transparent selection process and aims to ensure that a diverse pool of applicants are selected while not jeopardising quality.
Please note that financial support (Route 2) is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations, nor to individuals who hold the status of FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT. However, we may consider allowing such orgnistions to join in an observer capacity (i.e., without financial support). In addition, those who have been appointed as FAIR Champions themselves cannot benefit from financial or in-kind support.
For financial (Route 2) support action applications, where there is indication of conflict of interest or double-funding, the applications will be rejected.
While there is no limit to the number of support actions that can be applied to, FAIR-IMPACT will ensure that a maximum of 10,000 euros is provided to any single applicant applying to more than one support action over the life of the project. If you have previously participated in a financial (Route 2) support action and successfully apply to join another support action, the amount you have already been awarded will taken into account and subsequent awards will be adjusted to ensure that you remain within the 10,000 euro limit.
For instance, if you received 2500 euros to participate in either the FAIRness Assessment Challenge or FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate support action during the first open call for Route 2 support, the maximum amount you could receive in the next Route 2 support action is 7500 euros.
If you received support to participate in both the FAIRness Assessment Challenge and the FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate support action, the maximum you could be eligible to receive is 5000 euros to support you participation in any subsequent action.
- Q8. How will applications be evaluated?
Applications for support will be evaluated by a panel of internal FAIR-IMPACT partners. Mechanisms will be in place to ensure there are no conflicts of interest among panel members reviewing each proposal. Only those proposals that are assessed as having credible plans for leveraging the outcomes of their participation in their organisations or communities of practice will be considered.
Evaluation will also consider the following criteria to establish balanced and diverse distribution of the grants:
- Geographical balance;
- Balance between key stakeholder groups (i.e., Service providers, National level initiatives, Research communities & infrastructures, Research performing organisations, Individuals in science, Research funding organisations, Publishers, Data infrastructures, Citizen science organisations, Scientific societies and academies);
- Gender balance;
- Preference will be given to applicants from areas/domains identified as being less ‘EOSC-ready’*;
*EOSC readiness will be judged according to the EOSC Executive Landscape Working Group report on 'Landscape of EOSC-related infrastructures and initiatives' (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/cbb40bf3-f6fb-11ea-991b-01aa75ed71a1) and the RDA4EOSC project research on the engagement of disciplinary research communities with the EOSC (https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda4eosc-researchcommunities).
- Q9. How many applicants will be selected for each support action being offered?
In most cases, there will be an upper limit of 15 participants invited to join each support programme or support action being offered to ensure that there is adequate support from the FAIR-IMPACT Team to the successful applicants. Please check the specific call pages for details.
- Q10. What are FAIR Implementation Stories?
All successful applicants to the support actions will contribute to the production of a FAIR Implementation Story describing their experience of taking part in the support action. Templates will be provided to ensure consistency in the presentation of the stories. FAIR Implementation Stories share useful insights and tips that can help others to become more FAIR-enabling. These will be made available via the FAIR-IMPACT website and Zenodo community.
Implementation Stories were originally developed as part of the FAIRsFAIR project; they illustrate good practices in research communities and organisations to support the implementation of the FAIR principles. Links to the FAIRsFAIR Implementation Stories can be found on the FAIRsFAIR website.
- Q11. Where can I get more information on the Open Calls for Support?
If you would like further information on the Open Calls for Support, or have any questions on the overall process please contact opencalls@fair-impact.eu.
The best way to keep up to date with details for all Open Calls for support as they are released is to submit an Expression of Interest in the form above, including your contact details. Signing up to receive communications from FAIR-IMPACT on the project website will also allow you to keep up to date on all the news, activities and calls in the project https://fair-impact.eu/join-fair-impact-community
1 The exact amount of the financial support might vary across the support actions as it is calculated using a standard day rate of 500 EUR against the estimated effort required to carry out the work. This equates to a maximum of 20 days of financial support per grant over an implementation period of maximum four months.
2 FAIR-enabling capacity to be measured against work conducted by EOSC Landscape Task force, who have provided a baseline for EOSC-readiness at the country level (see: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/95e4a900-2a21-11eb-9d7e-01aa75ed71a1/language-en) and the RDA4EOSC project, who have published a comparison and summary findings to provide a baseline for EOSC-readiness at the domain level (see: https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda4eosc-researchcommunities).