2nd open call for repositories & service providers

Support programme for repositories and data service providers

The FAIR Principles focus on characteristics of digital objects that make them Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Achieving and maintaining those characteristics depends on the individuals and organisations that create, store, curate, and preserve the objects. These activities are 'FAIR-enabling’, and repositories and data service providers play an important role in facilitating them.

FAIR-IMPACT is here to help repositories and data service providers  assess your current FAIR-enabling capabilities and develop action plans to improve them. We will introduce you to services and tools that address a wide range of topics, such as:

We go beyond the formal FAIR principles and also include guidance for effective strategies to engage with your community and position your organisation in the research landscape. In other words, we are here to make your organisation more successful.

When will it start?

The support programme with selected participants will begin in September 2024 as a series of virtual workshops where we will introduce you to key concepts around FAIR and how they may apply to your organisation.

The virtual workshops will showcase specific tools and approaches that may help you to implement the FAIR principles in a practical sense and you will get a chance to do some virtual sight-seeing’ with FAIR-IMPACT partners to see how they implement certain FAIR-enabling practices. Participants will carry out a supported self-assessment of their current capabilities and develop action plans to become more FAIR-enabling that are tailored to their needs and ambition. You will receive one-to-one support from the FAIR-IMPACT support team over a period of seven months as you develop and implement your action plans. 

Enabling knowledge exchange is one of the key objectives of the support programme. To this end, in two workshops participants will share their experiences with peers in the support programme. The programme will wrap-up with a personal exit interview that will result in a co-authored ‘FAIR Implementation Story’, which we will publish in our Zenodo community, to share the unique experience of each participant and enable networking with the wider community.

The minimum effort expected from participants will be around fifty hours for the whole programme. The actual effort will depend on the specific resources you plan to implement and on input you may need from colleagues in your organisation. To benefit most from the programme, representatives from the participating repositories bring expertise in policy, engagement, and repository technology, split across a maximum of three people, if needed.

For more details about FAIR-IMPACT Support Programmes, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Successful applicants to the Repositories and Data service Providers Support Programme:

  • Femmy Admiraal, Center of Digital Scholarship, University Library, Leiden University
  • Victor Bacu, Technical University of Cluj Napoca
  • Bernarda Korez, University of Maribor Library
  • Mari Elisa Kuusniemi, Helsinki University Library
  • Ilona Lang, RWTH Aachen University
  • Aljaz Maslo, EMSO ERIC
  • Carmen Mihai, IMAGO-MOL Cluster
  • Tomasz Miksa, TU Wien
  • Óscar Sánchez, Fundación Dialnet. Universidad de La Rioja

Second open call for Route 1 support timeline

Call launched and platform opened for applications

2 May 2024

Second open call for expert support launch webinar - Watch the recordings

8 May 2024

Virtual clinic for potential applicants to the open call - Watch the recordings

5 June 2024

Deadline for applications

14 June 2024

Evaluation and selection of applicants

Early July 2024

Applicants informed of decision

Mid-July 2024

Expected start date for support actions

September 2024


The call is now closed! Do you have any questions? Write to opencalls [ at ] fair-impact.eu


Details of the support programme

Support programme for Repositories and Data Service Providers

Virtual workshops


Date of Workshop

Workshop 1: Understanding your drivers for becoming more FAIR-enabling and assessing your current FAIR-enabling capabilities

13.00 – 16.00 CEST 19th September 2024

Workshop 2: Finding tools, approaches and methods

15:00-16:30 CEST 10th October 2024

Workshop 3: Developing a FAIR Implementation Action Plan

14:30-16:00 CET 31st October 2024
Workshop 4: Developing an Engagement Strategy 15:00-16:30 CET 21st November 2024
Workshop 5: Peer knowledge exchange workshop 15:00-16:30 CET 23rd January 2025

Workshop 6: Peer knowledge exchange workshop

10:00-11:30 CET 13th March 2025

Between workshops, participants will work independently to carry out self-assessments, test the suggested tool(s) and develop draft action plans. One-to-one periodic support from FAIR-IMPACT via email or zoom, with occasional informal drop-in sessions to catch up with the full group.

After the November workshop, participants will work independently to implement action and engagement plans. One-to-one periodic support from FAIR-IMPACT via email or zoom.

Exit interviews will be carried out in March-April 2025 and will be the basis of a co-produced FAIR Implementation Story summarising the key actions and lessons learned.


Repositories & Data Service Providers timeline