#4: Implementation of a shared API for semantic catalogues 


We invite Semantic Artefact Catalogue (SAC) providers to apply to join this support action to implement an API based on the Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication (MOD) ontology to promote interoperability and enhance access to SACs. This API enables a uniform interface to semantic artefacts (SA), enabling seamless querying by stakeholders, regardless of domain. This open call is an opportunity for SACs to participate in a community-driven effort to improve the FAIRness of their resources through the adoption of this API.

As part of the work of WP4 on Metadata and Ontologies FAIR-IMPACT has established a draft specification of a candidate shared/standard API for SACs. The first version of this draft API is described in D4.3 Specification of shared metadata description of semantic artefacts and their catalogues including common reference API. In this specification, the Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication (MOD) ontology, provides a reference vocabulary to semantically describe SAs and their catalogues, including the list of objects (extended from DCAT2) and their properties. MOD is itself the subject of another deliverable, M4.3 Specification of semantic artefact description. The MOD-API for SACs is designed to provide unified access to the catalogue content (i.e., the artefacts, their distribution and their records), enabling seamless querying and use by stakeholders independent of domain. The MOD-API is formalised by means of an OpenAPI template designed to guide the implementation of Web REST APIs.

This support offer is a call for implementations of the MOD-API by existing SACs. FAIR-IMPACT is offering support to relevant labs, institutions or infrastructure already providing (some kind of) SAC and who are willing to implement the MOD-API on top of their catalogues to ease the use of their services and enable a better interoperability between all SACs.

  • Semantic artefacts (SA) include ontologies, terminologies, taxonomies, thesauri, vocabularies, metadata schemas and semantic standards amd are key elements for the description of data and for making data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.
  • Semantic artefacts catalogues (SAC) include libraries, registries, listing or repositories of semantic artefacts and also platforms often named terminology/vocabulary service/server.
  • Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication (MOD) is an ontology that has been developed to describe semantic artefacts.
  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is the European web of FAIR data and related services for research.


During this support action, participants will: 
  • Develop an implementation within their system of the MOD-API
  • Provide feedback and actively participate in exchanges to consolidate the first MOD-API draft specification
  • Work toward more interoperable semantic artefact catalogues
  • Explore the potential and impact of the availability of multiple catalogues compliant with the MOD-API specification

Who should apply?

This call is open to institutions or organisations that maintain or manage Semantic Artefact Catalogues, such as ontology repositories, vocabulary/terminology services or alike.

By SA Catalogues, we mean an advanced web application offering harmonised rich metadata description of SAs but also hosting and serving the content of those artefacts. Typically, such repositories provide advanced features to search (similar to Search service), browse, manage metadata, and sometimes additional related services such as mapping hosting and automatic generation, text annotation or recommendation of SAs. Repositories can be queried by machine via APIs or directly SPARQL endpoints.

Applicants must be able to write and deploy an interface, to their semantic artefact catalogue, that implements the MOD APl.

Catalogues actively involved in supporting FAIR principles or aiming to improve interoperability within EOSC or similar infrastructures are highly encouraged to apply.

Skills needed to participate

Applicants should have experience in:

  • Semantic Web technologies, including RDF, OWL, SKOS, and JSON-LD.
  • RESTful API development, specifically OpenAPI standards.
  • Familiarity with ontology management and catalogue operations (DCAT, MOD).
  • Basic understanding of FAIR principles, specifically for semantic artefacts.
  • Software development.
Virtual workshops 

This support action will consist of three virtual workshops. 

  • The kick-off workshop will take place the week of February 3, 2025 and provide an introduction to MOD and the API specification, project goals, and expectations.
  • A mid-term workshop will take place the week of March 3, 2025 and provide an opportunity to check progress and to discuss challenges, solutions, and best practices for implementation with mentors and peers.
  • The final workshop will take place the week of April 21, 2025 and provide an opporunity for participants to share their outcomes with their peers. 

Specific dates will be added here once they are confirmed.

Support providers and mentors 
  • Antony Wilson (STFC)
  • Clement Jonquet (INRAE)
  • Guillaume Alviset (CNRS / Data Terra)
  • Daniel Garijo (UPM)
  • Nina Grau (INRAE)
How much time will this support action require from participants? 

We anticipate that this support action will require about 16 days of effort between Febraury and April 2025. This includes time spent attending workshops, meetings, and implementing the API into their catalogue infrastructure.


What FAIR-IMPACT will provide to enable participation?

  • 8000 €  will be provided to support staff time for each participant/small team to participate in this support action. Funds will be paid upon successful completion of the support action. The amount provided is based on the number of days required to participate in the action using a flat daily rate and not the size of the team (i.e., 8000 euros is the maximum award regardless of the team size). 
  • Access to comprehensive documentation and examples for the MOD-API.
  • A pre-defined OpenAPI template to facilitate rapid implementation.
  • Regular check-ins with FAIR-IMPACT experts to ensure progress and to help address any challenges.
  • Online workshops for collaborative learning and troubleshooting.

What do we expect from participants?

  • Implement the MOD API in their SA catalogues and integrate it into their systems.
  • Test and validate the API using sample datasets and user queries.
  • Share feedback on the API's effectiveness and suggest potential improvements.
  • Participate in workshops and provide progress updates during check-ins.
  • Be willing to share their implementation results and experience with the broader community.
  • Proactively soliciting the mentors is expected.
  • Participation in mandatory exit interview which will result in an published FAIR Implementation Story to share real life experiences in making FAIR a reality.
  • Participation in periodic follow-up questionnaires and/or interviews to understand the impact of participation in the support action.
How many applicants  will be supported?  Up to 5 individuals/teams will be supported to participate in this support action.

Start your application


Supporting materials


Timeline for this support action
Introductory webinar (recording available) 9 October 2024

Call open for applications

11 October 2024  

Deadline for applications

4 December 2024

Applicants informed of decision

8 January 2025

Start date for support actions

Week of 3 February 2025

Who can apply? 

This call is open to individuals, groups or organisations from public and private research-performing organisations, including:

  • Research-performing organisations and research infrastructures;  
  • Repositories, data and metadata service providers; 
  • Representatives of national and international level initiatives. 

Applicants must reside and/or work in an EU or Associated Country for the duration of the grant. A key aim for FAIR-IMPACT is to prioritise support for organisations, groups, and/or individuals based in countries or representing domains that are currently less advanced in terms of their FAIR enabling capacity2.

The call is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations nor to individuals who hold the status of FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT.