Proper Research Data Management (RDM) is mandatory for any Horizon Europe project generating or reusing research data. It is a key part of Horizon Europe's open science requirements (Source: OpenAIRE). Data Management Plans (DMP) describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by a research project funded by the EC. Preparing a Data Management Plan (DMP) and keep it updated throughout the course of the project is one of the tasks to manage the digital research data generated in the action responsibly, in line with the FAIR principles, as requested by Horizon Europe.
Two practice papers were recently published by the Data Science Journal and co-authored by EOSC FAIR Champion Romain David around the importance of DMP in sharing research best practices. The articles are part of the collection “Data Management Planning across Disciplines and Infrastructures” dedicated to provide an overview of challenges, opportunities and concepts in using DMPs across disciplines and infrastructures.
Umbrella Data Management Plans to Integrate FAIR Data: Lessons From the ISIDORe and BY-COVID Consortia for Pandemic Preparedness. Data Science Journal, 22(1), p.52.DOI:
David, R., Richard, A.S., Connellan, C., Lauer, K.B., Chiusano, M.L., Goble, C., Houde, M., Kemmer, I., Keppler, A., Lieutaud, P., Ohmann, C., Panagiotopoulou, M., Khan, S.R., Rybina, A., Soiland-Reyes, S., Wit, C., Wittner, R., Buono, R.A., Marsh, S.A., Audergon, P., Bonfils, D., Carazo, J.-M., Charrel, R., Coppens, F., Fecke, W., Filippone, C., Alvarez, E.G., Gul, S., Hermjakob, H., Herzog, K., Holub, P., Kozera, L., Lister, A.L., López-Coronado, J., Madon, B., Majcen, K., Martin, W., Müller, W., Papadopoulou, E., Prat, C.M.A., Romano, P., Sansone, S.-A., Saunders, G., Blomberg, N. and Ewbank, J., 2023.
This article is on how a community of research infrastructures (RIs) and networks of researchers can develop a Data management Plan and data network that achieves FAIR data sharing and addresses the complexities of multiple partners. This article is a collaborative work done in the framework of ISIDORe and BY-COVID project and include outputs and recommendations of EOSC-Life project, and FAIR implementation recommendations provided by EOSC Association and Research Data Alliance networks and colleagues and published in CODATA Data Science Journal (CODATA is the ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA ).
The Value of a Data and Digital Object Management Plan (D(DO)MP) in Fostering Sharing Practices in a Multidisciplinary Multinational Project. Data Science Journal, 22(1), p.38.DOI:
Specht, A., O’Brien, M., Edmunds, R., Corrêa, P., David, R., Mabile, L., Machicao, J., Murayama, Y. and Stall, S., 2023.
Data Management Plans (DMP) are now a routine part of research proposals but are generally not referred to after funding is granted. The Belmont Forum requires an extensive document, a ‘Data and Digital Object Management Plan’ (D(DO)MP) for its awarded projects that is expected to be kept current over the life of the project. The D(DO)MP is intended to record team decisions about major tools and practices to be used over the life of the project for data and software stewardship, and for preservation of data and software products, aligned with the desired Open Science outcomes relevant to the project. The article presents one of the first instances of the use of Belmont’s D(DO)MP through a case study of the PARSEC project, a multinational and multidisciplinary investigation of the socioeconomic impacts of protected areas.