FAIR-IMPACT's 2nd open call for National-Level Initiatives Webinars

FAIR-IMPACT's second open call for Route 1 for expert support (non-financial) for National-Level Initiatives launched in June, 2024. This open call includes support actions in implementing a FAIR action plan in your country, as well as share knowledge of existing tools and good practices in different countries for the practical implementation of FAIR Methodologies to engage decision-makers, research performing organisations and researchers for FAIR Knowledge exchange with peers

Through this programme, participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts in a series of virtual workshops covering a range of topics, including training, funding, convincing decision-makers, engaging researchers, and showcasing national initiatives. These sessions aim to provide comprehensive insights into what is achievable at the national level for FAIR.

These FAIR-IMPACT webinars will provide more info about the support actions that are available, what support will be made available for each and how to apply. The hour long session also provides information on what is expected of applicants and specific skills and expertise necessary to participate in each offer. There is also time for questions from the participants.  

Registration for this webinar is free and open to all.

For more information on FAIR-IMPACT's support routes, key dates, and FAQs, please check out our dedicated webpage.



5min Welcome and overview of the FAIR-IMPACT project
35min Overview of support offers  
10min Overview of the application and evaluation process
10min Interactive Q&A
5min Wrap up an next steps
FAIR-IMPACT's 2nd open call for National-Level Initiatives
20 June 2024