Second call for national-level initiatives

The FAIR-IMPACT project is pleased to announce the launch of a support programme for national-level initiatives. This programme targets organisations with a national scope, included (but not limited to) those mandated by EOSC. Its purpose is to assist participants in developing their FAIR implementation activities.

Through this programme, participants will have the opportunity to engage with experts in a series of virtual workshops covering a range of topics, including training, funding, convincing decision-makers, engaging researchers, and showcasing national initiatives. These sessions aim to provide comprehensive insights into what is achievable at the national level for FAIR.

Participants will also receive support from the FAIR-IMPACT team to help them draft their FAIR implementation plans.

This programme is an opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance for advancing your organisation's FAIR practices.

Open call details:

Deadline for registering: 12 July 2024

Starting date: 26 September 2024

End date: end of January 2025

Download the detailed support programme

What will my organisation achieve by participating in this support programme?

Support to develop an action plan for implementing FAIR in your country. Knowledge of existing tools and examples of good practices in different countries for the practical implementation of FAIR methodologies to engage decision-makers, research performing organisations and researchers. An opportunity to share knowledge and learn from peers.

How will the programme be implemented?
  • 7 thematic workshops (2 hours each) with experts
  • 2 peer-exchange sessions (2 hours each)
  • Individual support from the FAIR-IMPACT team
  • 1 self-assessment checklist to be completed at the beginning
  • 1 FAIR implementation action plan to be delivered at the end
How can I join the programme?

No call for applications
It's enough to be an EOSC Mandated Organisation or an organisation with a national scope for FAIR (Research infrastructures included)

Do I need to be a senior decision-maker in my country to take part?

No! We welcome participation from a wide range of actors who are involved in implementing FAIR within their country. This could be those in senior decision making roles but equally those working to deliver national level services and support. 

Who should take part in the workshops? 

We recognise that in most cases many individuals, operational units and possibly several organisations will be involved in implementing different aspects of FAIR within your country. We are happy to have teams join this support programme and each team can then decide who will attend each of the thematic workshops. 


Registration is now closed

If you have any further questions about the support programme, you are welcome to attend one of our drop-in sessions:

  • Tuesday 18 June from 16 :30 to 17 :30 CEST
  • Thursday 20 June from 11 :00 to 12 :00 CEST


For further questions, please contact: national-initiatives-support [at]

Figure x Official image of IMDIS (left) and list of organisers (right)