FAIRfest Programme

FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC partners are glad to invite the broad European research community to FAIRfest, a festival celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in the European Open Science research landscape.

Go back to the event page | Adopters' Markeplace programme | Markeplace area

Day 1: February 20, 2025 (Thursday) 09:00 - 17:00 CET

08:00 - 09:00 Welcome Coffee & Registrations

9:00 - 9:30 Welcome & Introduction  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal


Ingrid Dillo, DANS, Tommi Suominen, CSC

9:30 - 10:00 Adopters' Marketplace Elevator Pitches  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

During the FAIRfest adopters and implementers of FAIR enabling solutions, tools, methodologies and practices will do a showcase in the Marketplace area on a stage during coffee and lunch breaks. In this session they will do a minute madness to introduce their pitches to the audience. Pay attention and  choose which one to go and listen!

Check the Adopters Marketplace programme


Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Trust-IT Services

Presenters Topic of the pitch

Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz, FIZ Karlsruhe

RSAC Component, Software Metadata & Source Code Archival
Carole Goble, Manchester University Practical webby FAIR Digotal Objects with RO-Crate and FAIR Signposting
Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage & Alain Monteil, INRIA RSAC Components and RSMD guidelines
Hilde Orten, SIKT

Cross-domain data integration and the importance of provenance metadata

Robert Huber, University of Bremen Practical FAIR assessments using F-UJI
Nina Grau, INRAE Making collective knowledge into FAIR Semantic and machine-readable Metadata
Joonas Kesäniemi, CSC

MSCR and Vocabulary Service

Elena Breitmoser, EPCC FAIR Software Metrics
George Katsogiannis, Athena Research Center NL Search and Recommendation services for the RDGraph
Wim Hugo, DANS & Themis Zamani, GRNET CAT Services and Knowledge Base: Compliance Assessment Policies and more
Saadet Bozaci, Dagstuhl FAIR supplementary materials: A publisher's perspective
Heinrich Widmann, DKRZ Toward Interoperability Between Data Spaces in Climate Science
Yann Le Franc, e-Science Data Factory

FAIR Mapping recommendations

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break and FAIR Adopters’ Marketplace

10:30 - 12:00 F for Findability: Persistent Identifiers & Knowledge Graph  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

Session Abstract - follow the slides

In the digital landscape of research data management, Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) play a crucial role in enhancing the discoverability and accessibility of academic outputs. This session will explore the multifaceted framework of PIDs and their impact on research findability.

The session will begin with an exploration of the Research Activity Identifier (RAiD), emphasizing its significance in linking research activities and outputs. Following this, a presentation on the necessary EOSC-compliant PID policies tailored for Data/PID Managers will ensure that data integrity and discoverability are prioritized. Practical guides will be offered for national initiatives and service providers, facilitating the effective adoption of PIDs within institutions. Delving deeper into the technical aspects, the role of RDGraph in integrating PIDs to improve findability in discovery systems will be discussed.

The session will culminate in a dynamic panel discussion involving key stakeholders and experts, fostering interactive dialogue on the opportunities and challenges surrounding PID implementation and compliance with EOSC PID policies. Participants will explore future prospects for enhanced discoverability and resolvability. This collaborative session aims to deepen understanding of PIDs as essential tools for research infrastructure, ultimately paving the way for innovative solutions and improved data management practices.


Josefine NordlingCSC, Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE

Session Agenda:

Time Topic Presenter
10:30 - 10:35 Welcome & Introduction Josefine Nordling, CSC
10:35 - 10:50 Past: Recent PID developments Tibor Kalman, GWDG
Present. Infrastructure for Findability: PID Providers
10:50 - 11:00 Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) Giacomo Cannizzaro & Clifford Tatum, SURF
Ensuring findability emplying PIDs
11:00 - 11:20

EOSC compliant PID policies for Data/PID Managers


Practical PID guides for national initiatives, service providers and institutions

René van Horik, DANS


Natascha van Lieshout, SURF

PID-enabled findability in discovery
11:20 - 11:30 RDGraph & PIDs Paolo Manghi, OpenAire
11:30 - 12:00 Future: Panel session Moderator: Paolo Manghi
  Opportunities of enhanced discoverability - the PIDGraph Gabriela Mejias, DataCite
  Enhancing resolvability of PIDs - the PID Meta Resolver Sven Bingert, GWDG
  Facilitating end user implementations of PIDs Josefine Nordling, CSC
  Assessing compliance with the EOSC PID Policy - the Compliance Assessment Toolkit and related Knowledge Base Wim Hugo, DANS
  The Future of the EOSC PID Policy Tibor Kalman, GWDG
12:00 Closing Josefine Nordling, CSC

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch and FAIR Adopters’ Marketplace

14:00 - 15:30 A for Accessibility: Semantic Artefacts  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

Session Abstract - follow the slides

This joint plenary session will highlight the transformative contributions of FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC projects to advancing FAIR principles in the domain of semantics: metadata & ontologies, mappings, and research software. The session will open with a keynote from a distinguished expert reporting on the current status and challenge related to the topic within EOSC. The core of the session will feature presentations on key achievement related to theme of the session from the two projects, including guidelines for Research Software Metadata, recommendations for FAIR Semantic Artefacts and FAIR mappings as well as development and setting up of concrete services such as the MSCR and the DTR from FAIRCORE4EOSC and multiple semantic artefacts catalogues from FAIR-IMPACT. The session will conclude with a forward-looking panel discussion, exploring lessons learned, assessing the alignment of outcomes with EOSC objectives, and identifying priorities for future research. This plenary session offers a unique opportunity to reflect on achievements, evaluate the impact, and collaboratively envision the future of FAIR-compliant and semantically enabled science within EOSC.


Clement Jonquet, INRAE, Joonas Kesäniemi, CSC

Session Agenda:

Time Topic Presenter
14:00 - 14:05 Introduction to the session Clement Jonquet, INRAE
14:05 - 14:20

A is for Access: not just protocols, semantics matter!


Carole Goble, University of Manchester
14:20 - 14:30 Research Software MetaData (RSMD) guidelines, the CodeMeta standard and the RSAC services Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage
14:30 - 14:40 FAIR mappings recommendations and the MSCR service Yann Le Franc, e-Science Factory & Joonas Kesäniemi, CSC
14:40 - 14:50 FAIR Semantic Artefact and their Catalogues Clement Jonquet, INRAE
14:50 - 15:00 DTR on the roadmap of implementing FDOs Hans Lienhop, GDWG
15:00 - 15:30 Panel Discussion

Clement Jonquet (moderator)
Morane Gruenpeter
Yann Le Franc
Joonas Kesäniemi
Baptiste Cecconi
Sophie Aubin
Carole Goble
Tommi Suominen

15:30 - 16:30 Supporting FAIR Implementation: FAIR-IMPACT Stories & FAIRCORE4EOSC Case Studies | Madurozaal & Boon-van der Starpzaal

FAIR-IMPACT selected Implementation stories - follow the slides

Room: Boon-van der Starpzaal - Online: dedicated Zoom link provided to the participants

Session Agenda

Time (CET)



15:30 - 15:35

Welcome and Introduction

Laurence Horton, DCC

15:35 - 16:05

Brief summaries on the activities undertaken by FAIR-IMPACT's Support Action Participants

Rory MacNeil, RSpace 

Dieuwertje Bloemen, KU Leven 

Vaidas Morkevicius, Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities 

Clara Boavida, Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon 

Mateusz Pawlik, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

Beth Knazook, Digital Repository of Ireland  

16:05 - 16:25

Panel Discussion Chaired by Maaike Verburg, DANS

16:25 - 16:30

Closure & wrap up

Laurence Horton, DCC

FAIRCORE4EOSC Case Studies - follow the slides

Room: Madurozaal - Online: same zoom as the plenary sessions

Session Agenda

Time (CET)



15:30 - 15:35

Welcome and Introduction

Fanny Adloff, DKRZ

15:35 - 16:20

How do the FC4E components improve our workflow?

Perspectives from our user communities.

Mathematics (Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz, FIZ)

European Integration of National-level Services (Joonas Nikkanen, CSC)

Service Providers and Research Data Management Communities (Chris Ariyo or Harri Hirvonsalo, CSC)

Social Sciences and Humanities (Willem Elbers, CLARIN ERIC)

Climate Change (Beate Kruess, DKRZ)

16:20 - 16:30

Wrap-up and Quiz (with prizes!)

Fanny Adloff, DKRZ

Willem Elbers, CLARIN ERIC

16:30 - 16:40 Coffee Break 

16:40 - 18:00 I for Interoperability: from technical to legal interoperability  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

Session Abstract - follow the slides

Solving the I of FAIR is probably one of the biggest challenges in adopting and implementing FAIR practices. While many research communities have existing practices to manage interoperability within their domain. The significant challenges start when research data and other artifacts need to be shared across domains. And this sharing across domains will only increase because most of the societal challenges (e.g. climate change, health, environment, energy transition and artificial intelligence) require cross-domain solutions.

Interoperability is not only a technical challenge but more frequently a challenge on the semantic, organizational, and legal level. Even when you have solved all technical interoperability challenges it does not mean researchers are able to interpret research data (e.g. semantic interoperability), have access (e.g. organizational interoperability) and/or are allowed to use/reuse the data and under which conditions (e.g. legal interoperability). The EOSC Interoperability Framework from 2021 addresses these challenges at the conceptual level. For the implementation level additional effort in the form of recommendations, guidelines, best practices, prototyping etc.

FAIR-IMPACT has been addressing interoperability through four interoperability layers (i.e. legal, organizational, semantic and technical) from a FAIR interdisciplinary perspective. FAIRCORE4EOSC has been developing components supporting FAIR and interoperability across PIDs, metadata schema’s, vocabularies, knowledge graphs and quality research software.
In this session we are focusing on how to bridge between the legal, organizational, semantic, and technical (LOST)  interoperability stack and explore future ways to support an interdisciplinary approach for a FAIR EOSC.


Anne SofieDeIC, Mark van de SandenSURF, Tommi SuominenCSC

Session Agenda

Time Topic Presenter
16:30 - 16:45 From the technical to the legal interoperability Javier de la Cueva, University of the Instituto de Empresa, FAIR EOSC Champion
16:45 - 17:00

Semantinc and technical interoperability - How FAIRCORE4EOSC components are supporting FAIR interoperability

Esteban Gonzalez, UPM

Tommi Suominen, CSC

17:00 - 17:15 Legal and organisational interoperability specifically as well as interoperability within the whole EOSC Eco-system and beyond Olivier Rouchon, CNRS
17:15 - 17:20 Introduction to panel session: LOST interoperability - from policy level to implementations Anne Sofie Fink, DeiC
17:20 - 18:00 Panel session: LOST - Legal, Organisational, Semantic and Technical - Interoperability - from policy level to implementations

Javier de la Cueva, University of the Instituto de Empresa

Olivier Rouchon, CNRS

Esteban Gonzalez, UPM

Tommi Suominen, CSC

Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz, FIZ Karlsruhe

Roksana Wilk, Cyfronet

 18:00 Closure

 18:15 Exclusive Access to the Park
19:00 FAIRfest Working Dinner




Day 2: February 21, 2025 (Friday) 09:00 - 12:30 CET

08:00 - 09:00 Welcome Coffee & Registrations

9:00 - 10:30 R for Reusability: Certification, metrics & guidelines for FAIR data and software   |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

Are the FAIR principles enough for reusability? follow the slides | contribute the session (GDrive)

What questions about Reusability have you always wondered about but never dared to ask? In the session R for Reusability, we delve into the question: Are the FAIR principles enough for reusability? This is not your standard panel discussion, but a more interactive format where you get to know your neighbours and ask the hard hitting questions to our panel of experts. We will reflect on our own services and solutions (e.g. Research Software Metadata Guidelines, F-UJI, Compliance Assessment Toolkit, and more) and consider what they contribute to Reusability, opening up to critical questions, suggestions, and considering use cases from you.


Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

Session Agenda:

Time (CET)



9:00 - 9:05

Welcome, Introduction
Code of Conduct, explanation of process
Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

9:05 - 9:10

Interactive session: Introduce yourselves Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

9:10 - 9:25

Elevator pitches from the panelists: What does your solution/work do with regards to Reusability?

Chaired by Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

Hervé L'Hours, UK Data Archive

Alex Ioannidis, CERN

Elena Breitmoser, EPCC

Daniel Garijo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Wim Hugo, DANS

9:25 - 10:10

Panel & audience discussion on Reusability

Chaired by Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

Hervé L'Hours, UK Data Archive

Alex Ioannidis, CERN

Elena Breitmoser, EPCC

Daniel Garijo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Wim Hugo, DANS

10:10 - 10:30

Closing & wrap up Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break and FAIR Adopters’ Marketplace

11:00 - 12:30 Concluding session: reflections from stakeholders  |  Plenary Room: Madurozaal

In the closing panel representatives of the stakeholder community will look back on over a decade of FAIR implementation: 11 years since the FAIR Data Principles workshop in Lorentz, 9 years since the publication in Scientific Data and 7 years since the Turning FAIR into Reality report. 

  • Where are we now?  
  • Where did you expect us to be? 
  • What has changed and what is the same?  
  • Are we working on the right things?  
  • What is needed in the future to Turn FAIR into Reality?


Carole Goble, Professor of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK


Karel Luyben, President of the European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC-A)

Andrew Treloar, Director of International Strategy for the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)

Natalie Harrower, Executive Director of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network

Pantelis Tziveloglou, Team Leader for the European Open Science Cloud at the Open Science and Research Infrastructures Unit of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.

12:30 Event Closure