Adopters Marketplace Programme

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14 adopters of FAIR practices will give a 10 minute pitch during the morning coffee breaks and during the lunch break on 20th February, taking place in the Foyer. The schedule is available below.  You are all invited to scroll through the list and save your time for your preferred pitches: you can bring your coffee and food with you!


Agenda Day 1 - Thursday 20 February 2025


Time Speaker Topic
10:10 Maxence Azzouz-Thuderoz RSAC Component, Software Metadata & Source Code Archival
10:20 Carole Goble & Nick Juty FAIRsignposting + RO-Crates = Web FDO
12:20 Morane Gruenpeter & Alain Monteil RSAC Components and RSMD guidelines
12:30 Hilde Orten Cross-domain data integration and the importance of provenance metadata: from proprietary to standard data and metadata format
12:40 Elena Breitmoser FAIR software metrics
12:50 Robert Huber Practical FAIR assessments using F-UJI
13:00 Nina Grau Metadata & Semantics
13:10 Guillaume Alviset OntoPortal instances especially EarthPortal
13:20 Joonas Kesäniemi MSCR and Vocabulary Service
13:30 Konstantina Galouni RDGraph Portal: Features and Capabilities Unveiled
13:40 George Katsogiannis NL Search and Recommendation services for the RDGraph
13:50 Wim Hugo & Themis Zamani Prove It or Lose It: Compliance Evidence Matters!


Agenda Day 2 - Friday 21 February 2025


Time Speaker Topic
10:30 Saadet Bozaci FAIR supplementary materials: A publisher's perspective
10:40 Heinrich Widmann Interoperability between data spaces in climate science - use of DTR for specifications of STAC catalogs defined as FDO
10:50 Yann Le Franc FAIR Mapping recommendations


Check the programme  Poster area