Implementing RO-Crate support for the ARP data repository platform at the Institute for Computer Science and Control
Armed with previous experience of RO-Crate, the participant sought to implement RO-Crate support for their own fork of Dataverse and in the standard, stock Dataverse 6.0 codebase based on this fork. This was successfully achieved and submitted to the Dataverse GitHub.
"There are different community needs for metadata schemas, which goes beyond the Dataverse metadata blocks, and schemas need to conform to RO-Crate specifications. Flexibility is necessary. It should be noted, that when the repository is not in control of the implementor, there could be many updates to the codebases, and changes that need updating to the internals of the repository".
Supported applicant: Balázs Pataki, Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI)
FAIR-IMPACT Support: Daniel Turner, Digital Curation Centre (DCC)