Support offer #1: Managing data types, schemas and vocabularies and crosswalks for FAIR researcher related metadata


The support action will introduce successful applicants to three tools developed by the FAIRCORE4EOSC (FC4E) project.

  • Data Type Registry (DTR) which allows for machine-actionable standardisation and enrichment of metadata schema elements and other relevant types of data
  • Vocabulary service which allows for the creation, curation and distribution of controlled vocabularies for any purpose, simple or complex.
  • Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR) which supports interoperability between resource catalogues and information systems using different (metadata) schemas and encourage organisations and especially researchers to share their metadata interoperability work by registering and publishing the metadata crosswalks used in their workflows that are currently not visible (FAIRification)”. Provides an alternative for project specific schema/data type and crosswalk specifications.

In this support action the participants will use one or more of the FC4E tools to enhance the machine-actionability of their existing schema and crosswalk specifications. This could mean for example the registration of schema from public APIs to the MSCR and creation of mappings from those service specific data models to common formats such as Datacite and DCAT or creating a metadata schema using enriched schema elements registered in the DTR.

Applicants to this support action will Carry out independent work to to work with one or more of the tools offered by the FAIRCORE4EOSC project to enhance the machine-actionability of their existing schema and crosswalk specifications.

Who should apply?

Applicants should be Repository managers, Repository service providers, Data Stewards, Data officers

Skills needed to participate

Applicants should have an understanding of the metadata models that they will be working with. Knowledge about working with APIs would be advantageous. Basic knowledge of research data management.

Virtual workshops 

This support action will consist of six virtual workshops:

  • Introduction to the big picture Week 2 Jan 2025
  • DTR workshop Week 4 Jan 2025
  • Vocabulary service workshop Week 4 Jan 2025
  • MSCR Workshop Week 1 Feb 2025
  • Cross-Integration Workshop Week 3 Feb 2025
  • Outlook and Larger Landscape April 2025 
Support providers and mentors 
  • Joonas Kesaniemi(FC4E, CSC)
  • Hans Lienhop (FC4E,GWDG)
  • Rumana Quazi (FC4E, CSC)
  • Natascha van Lieshout(FC4E, FAIR-IMPACT, SURF)
How much time will this support action require from participants? 

We anticipate that this will require about 10 days of effort between January and April 2024.

What FAIR-IMPACT will provide to enable participation?

  • 5000 €  will be provided to support staff time for each participant/small team to participate in this support action. Funds will be paid upon successful completion of the support action. The amount provided is based on the number of days required to participate in the action using a flat daily rate and not the size of the team (i.e., 5000 euros is the maximum award regardless of the team size). 
  • Biweekly office hours will start from the third week of January 2025 to answer questions and provide support.

What do we expect from participants?

  • Active participation in 6 virtual workshops (mandatory) and participating with an identified list of resources that will be evaluated during the challenge

  • Participation in a mandatory exit interview which will result in a co-authored and published Implementation Story to share real life experiences in making FAIR a reality.

  • Proactively soliciting the mentors is expected through the google form and/or online office hours. The office hours will use a rolling minutes document for collecting general questions while the google form will be for bug reports and user feedback.

  • Actively creating/submitting/registering content to the selected tool/tools

  • Read the materials referenced in the provided reading list

How many applicants  will be supported?  Up to 5 individuals/teams will be supported to participate in this support action.

Start your application


Supporting materials


Timeline for this support action
Introductory webinar (recording available) 9 October 2024

Call platform open for applications

11 October 2024  

Deadline for applications

4 December 2024

Applicants informed of decision

8 January 2025

Start date for support actions

mid to late January 2025

Who can apply? 

This call is open to individuals, groups or organisations from public and private research-performing organisations, including:

  • Research-performing organisations and research infrastructures;  
  • Repositories, data and metadata service providers; 
  • Representatives of national and international level initiatives. 

Applicants must reside and/or work in an EU or Associated Country for the duration of the grant. A key aim for FAIR-IMPACT is to prioritise support for organisations, groups, and/or individuals based in countries or representing domains that are currently less advanced in terms of their FAIR enabling capacity2.

The call is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations nor to individuals who hold the status of FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT.