When: Tuesday 21 November 2023 09:00 – 13:00 CET
Where: Online
A look into how you can adapt existing PID implementation best practices and apply them to your domain and work.
We will begin by providing an overview on PIDs within the EOSC framework, including the PID policy, PID related projects and recent developments. One of these exciting new developments includes a first look at the Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT) which strives to encode, record, and query compliance with the EOSC PID policy and more (including TRUST, FAIR, Reproducibility, GDPR, Licenses).
Next we will introduce a series of research lifecycle workflows and how PIDs fit into them. These research lifecycle workflows clearly flag moments where specific PIDs can be used to improve the FAIRness, trustworthiness and openness of the research products. These research lifecycle workflows can also be used as a guidance tool to write better data management plans and draft clearer institutional policies.
We will then split into 3 parallel breakout sessions for the interactive portion of the workshop. Each session will test aspects of the current workflows against the CAT to assess compliance with the EOSC PID policy and discuss how this can be used to drive better use and implementation of PIDs. The parallel sessions will be focused on datasets, publications and software research lifecycle workflows respectively.
Finally there will be an open discussion on current blockers to implementing EOSC PID policy compliant PID solutions and potential remedies. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the points discussed for the FAIR IMPACT Open Support Call in January 2024.
To demonstrate concrete tools, policies and developments within the realm of PIDs from the EOSC projects and use that to fuel further innovation through the FAIR IMPACT Open Support Call in January 2024.
Workshop agenda
- Introduction to PIDs within EOSC
- First look at the Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT)
- Research lifecycle workflows and PIDs
- Breakout into 3 example research workflows and use the CAT to guide improvements in compliance
- Research workflows for datasets
- Research workflows for publications
- Research workflows for software
- Discussion on blockers to implementing EOSC PID policy compliant PID solutions
- Invitation to apply for Open Call support in January 2024
Workshop Slides
EOSC Compliant PID Implementations - Practical Guidelines for Implementing Best Practices
Re-watch the webinar recordings
Who should attend
Data stewards, Research Data Managers, PID managers and metadata/PID enthusiasts, PID policymakers.