Mari is a Development Manager and Deputy Director at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD), Tampere University. FSD is the Finnish national Service Provider for CESSDA ERIC. Her background is in economics and social sciences and she have 20+ years of experience in digital data preservation and open science. Her expertise areas include metadata, standards, FAIR and certification of repositories. Recently she have worked on projects building the European Open Science Cloud on topics related to data catalogues, metadata and certification, e.g. BY-COVID, COORDINATE, EOSC Future, SSHOC, EOSC-Nordic. Mari is a member of the CoreTrustSeal Board and the EOSC Association Task Force FAIR Metrics and Data Quality, leader of the CESSDA Tools Working Group, FSD's representative in the DDI Alliance, and EDDI 2023 conference co-chair. Mari is interested in becoming a FAIR Champion representing the Nordic and Baltic community as a part of a NeIC affiliate project that is a follow-up of the EOSC-Nordic project.
Mari led EOSC-Nordic WP4 on FAIR data where successfully developed a methodology to mass-evaluate and track the FAIR maturity of Nordic and Baltic research data repositories (sample of 98 repositories from various domains and disciplines), provided detailed FAIRification and certification support to 13 repositories, and investigated FAIR incentives. Her own repository has been operating according to the FAIR principles long before 2016 (e.g. we've used metadata standards, controlled vocabularies and PIDs) and they have tested their metadata using FAIR Evaluator and F-UJI. Currently she is a member of the EOSC TF FAIR metrics and data quality. In SSHOC project she led Task 3.5 Interoperability Hub that provided to Mari knowledge of existing SSH metadata practices (standards, formats, vocabularies) beyond SS, and in BY-COVID, Mari is co-leading WP3 that focuses on developing the COVID-19 portal and metadata interoperability across disciplines. She also leads SSHOC Task 8.2 Trust & Quality Assurance that focussed on CoreTrustSeal certification and improvement of repositories' practices. Mari have experience and knowledge of FAIR both in practice and in policy level, and her work as a CoreTrustSeal Board member and reviewer has provided her valuable insight to and knowledge about repository practices and expertise about certification in general.