Implementing FAIR signposting to Eurac Research geospatial data catalogue

FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate

With the aim to improve the machine actionability of their Environmental Data Platform, a team from Eurac Research implemented signposting on their catalogue of geospatial datasets using a link set document.

We are part of an informal FAIR team, with other people across Eurac institutes and the Research Support Office. We did a FAIR self-assessment of the institute last year, trying to evaluate whether we are compliant with each of the principles. Even if we had already spent a year reading about FAIR, the support action has really made a difference for all of us. We have learned a lot and now we are much clearer on what FAIRness means, especially for machines. We were always thinking in terms of the HTML page, for humans, but had a less concrete idea of what had to be done for machines and we never really got to investigate that. There are always many things to do and that never got top priority, until the support action brought the chance to prioritise it.

Supported applicant: Piero Campalani | Climate and Disaster Risk group - Center for Climate Change and Transformation - Eurac Research, Simone Tritini | Center for Sensing Solutions - Eurac Research

FAIR-IMPACT Support: Clara Linés | Digital Curation Centre (DCC)

Implementation Story

Key topic
FAIR Implementation tool