The EERAdata project is pleased to announce its Workshop No. 5 organised as a hybrid meeting and hosted by the Izmir University of Economics SENLAB and the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). The event is conceived as a hands-on workshop and discussion complemented with external inputs given by invited contributors.
- Objective 1: Understand the value involved in FAIR and Open data and the potential data services that could be derived from energy research data
- Objective 2: Discuss pathways and business models for creating value from energy data
- Objective 3: Identify how trustworthiness and provenance of data can be guaranteed through appropriate certification and licensing
Main questions
Main questions that we are seeking to answer during the workshop are as below:
- What is the value involved in FAIR and Open data for different types of users (e.g., industries, researchers, policy makers, consumers)?
- What services can be derived utilizing FAIR and Open data in the energy domain?
- What types of business models can be designed and implemented for creating value from energy data?
- How can certification and licensing contribute to trustworthiness and provenance of data (in the context of sustainable business models using data)?
On 4th October the attention shifted to understanding how we move forward from the current state of affairs and after realising the key importance of FAIR and open energy data and how to derive value from it. Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director - DANS and FAIR-IMPACT coordinator gave a keynote speech titled "FAIR and TRUST: The perfect mix" part of a series of 3 keynotes opening the panel on sustainable business models for FAIR and open energy data and how to mine the value in data in this sector.
The complete agenda is available here