On 13-15 September, EUDAT CDI organised its EUDAT Conference 2022 in Athens, Greece with 14-15 September as the public conference days while 13 September was a closed side-event. As part of the conference programme, a dedicated exhibition and networking session was introduced to encourage the establishment of new connections and promote the most innovative services and players in the field.
Who should attend and why
The event was open to all, but the following are highly encouraged to participate, such as:
- Researchers and citizen scientists, repository and community managers to discover services for research data management, storage, preservation and sharing.
- Actors in the EOSC community, ESFRI, science clusters, and research infrastructures to get the latest on the state of the art and use cases of some of the core services for supporting European research
- Projects, research institutions and national and European initiatives to gain visibility and network with stakeholders to further their activities
- Service providers to learn what EUDAT can offer from them
- Current and prospective EUDAT users and user communities to learn about new major functionalities
FAIRCORE4EOSC Requirements gathering workshop at the EUDAT Conference
FAIRCORE4EOSC, FAIR-IMPACT sister project, is one of the organising partners of the Conference, and representatives of both projects are taking part in some sessions.
Colleagues Wim Hugo, DANS and FAIR-IMPACT, and Mark van de Sanden, SURF, FAIRCORE4EOSC and member of the Technical Bridging Team, also joined the Requirements gathering workshop with domain-specific case studies representatives planned on 13th September