Co-Located with the SEMANTiCS Conference + Language Intelligence @ Work, 13-15 September 2022, Vienna, Austria
Making the huge and diverse kinds of data produced by researchers, data stewards, and service providers, fully reusable and understood requires specific efforts. The Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) principles were elaborated to address these issues, describing a set of requirements for data reusability and interoperability. These principles have been gaining increasing attention in a range of different areas and applications, including in the industrial area.
A key aspect in making data FAIR is the ability of machines to automatically find, access, interoperate, and reuse data with none or minimal human intervention. For that, the ability of properly and semantically describing data is essential.
The workshop has the following goals:
- to bring together leaders from academia, industry and user institutions to discuss the adoption of FAIR principles in real-world requirements.
- to serve to inform industry and user representatives about existing research efforts that may meet their requirements.
- to investigate how the FAIR principles are supported by the use of schemes, vocabulaires, and ontologies that ideally are themselves FAIR.
- to discuss the challenges and perspectives in adopting FAIR principles.
Topics of Interest
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- schemas, ontologies and vocabulaires for FAIR data and metadata;
- domain and cross-domain ontologies for FAIR data;
- approaches to make vocabularies and ontologies FAIR(er);
- alignment of schemas, vocabulaires and ontologies for FAIR;
- FAIR data management and stewardship;
- best practices for implementing the FAIR principles;
- FAIRification process and use cases;
- metrics for FAIRness assessment;
- provenance in FAIR environments;
- FAIR principles and open science;
- FAIR principles and Linked (Open) Data;
- FAIR in industry, scientific communities (life science, digital humanities, health, smart cities, etc.).
Read more about the event here.