We regret to inform you that this event has been postponed due to a last-minute notification from the speakers. You do not need to register again, and we will notify you of the new date once it is confirmed.
Recent technology-driven advances in biodiversity research have created a need for more, new types of FAIR repositories. In this meetup, we discuss two of these.
Firstly, the broad and expanding application of AI-based methods in image/sound/text/sequence classification has created a need for repositories for exchanging pre-trained models and their training data.
Secondly, the advent of massively parallel DNA sequencing techniques applied to the environment has shown a large diversity of sequence variants, whose incremental aggregation in a central repository would enable a more fine-grained assessment of the presence and abundance of distinct haplotypes in the natural environment and in medical settings.
In this event, we will introduce the current research practices and challenges and discuss how the community can proceed in light of these developments.
This virtual workshop will take place from 11:00-12:30 CEST on June 13 2024. Unfortunately this workshop has been postponed. We will add the new date/time to this webpage as soon as it is confirmed. You are still welcome to register for the workshop and we will contact you via email to inform you of the new date/time.
Registration for this workshop is free but mandatory. Reserve your place by filing out the registration form below.
Draft Agenda
11:00 - 11:10 | Introduction - Maaike Verburg, DANS |
11:10 - 11:35 | Discussion topic #1 FAIRness in AI/ML model and data publishing |
11:35 - 11:55 | Discussion topic #2 Handling sequence diversity of environmental DNA and microbiomes |
11:55 - 12:15 | Discussion topic #3 Ethical and legal aspects of biodiversity data and specimens |
12:15 - 12:30 | Overall wrap-up and closing remarks |