OAIS version 3 - What does it mean for repositories?

The "OAIS version 3 - What does it mean for repositories?" will take place on Monday March 24th from 15:30-17:00 CET. Registration for the workshop is free but mandatory.

The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) is essential to organise long term preservation at digital repositories. In 2024, the OAIS reference model and its associated standards have been updated, including the inclusion of a new standard: Information Preparation to Enable Long Term Use (IPELTU). FAIR-IMPACT is happy to invite David Giaretta (CCSDS and PTAB Ltd), Barbara Sierman (DigitalPreservation.nl), and Olivier Rouchon (CoreTrustSeal) to share with our audience what these new changes entail, how they affect repositories, and how they relate to other important concepts such as FAIR, trustworthiness, and sustainability. We invite your questions, and your thoughts on some critical questions around digital preservation to look to the future together. OAIS version 3 may be downloaded free from CCSDS here.

This workshop is open to all, but intended for those working in data repositories and data service providers. Basic knowledge on OAIS is desired, for example see the introduction to OAIS or the overview of the recent update.


Agenda (all times are CET)


Welcome and introduction, Al Wood

15:35 OAIS - history, the new version, relation to FAIR, preservation, and sustainability, David Giaretta
16:00  Misconceptions and truths - what repositories should know about OAIS, Barbara Sierman
16:15 OAIS and the CoreTrustSeal requirements, Olivier Rouchon
16:30 What’s next? Looking to the future of OAIS, David Giaretta, Barbara Sierman, Olivier Rouchon
16:35 Q&A + group discussion
17:00 Wrap-up and close


Speakers biographies

David Giaretta

Through his extensive work, experience and knowledge, he has led developments of standards in digital preservation (ISO 14721), in particular audit and certification of repositories (ISO 16363 and 16919), and continues to lead their, and other standards’, updates. From these he developed practical and coherent solutions and services that will help repositories seeking ISO certification while adding value to their holdings. His organisation, PTAB, provides ISO16363 certification in a process of continuous improvement to ensure that repositories’ valuable information remains safe and usable.

Olivier Rouchon

After graduating as a Computer Science engineer, and various assignments with French ISPs, he spent seven years at Dell as an IT project manager and another sixteen at CINES, a French national data centre for higher education and research, where he held different managing positions in software development before leading the Digital Preservation department, with a five years stint as the head of the HPC department between 2013 and 2018. In 2023, he joined the Open Research Data Department (DDOR) at CNRS, to work on digital computing, data infrastructures and open data. In addition to these duties, he published papers relating the long term preservation of digital objects, is actively involved in the French Aristote – PIN (Pérennisation des Informations Numériques) working group as a coordinator, seats at the HUMA-NUM (Very Large Research Infrastructure in Social Sciences and Humanities) Scientific Committee and chairs the CoreTrustSeal Board.

Barbara Sierman

From 2005 until retirement in 2020 her role was preservation manager in the Research Department of the KB National Library of the Netherlands. During these years she advised the KB staff on all matters related to digital preservation. She participated in several European projects like Planets, SCAPE and APARSEN and was part of the international team that wrote the ISO 16363 certification standard. She was chair of the Board of the Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) and a member of the Steering Committee of the International Internet Preservation Consortium. She was honored with the DPC Fellowship Award in 2018. After retirement she did consultancy work for OPF, CoreTrustSeal and the Dutch Digital Heritage Network. Currently she is working on a publication about the history of digital preservation.



FAIR Implementation workshop OAIS version 3 - What does it mean for repositories
FAIR Implementation workshops
24 March 2025