The findability of a wide range of research objects and their related metadata are central to the FAIR principles. This support action combines two successful approaches (FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate) to help ensure that research objects can be packaged up with structured metadata to support reuse and that these packages can be exposed for improved findability.
FAIR Signposting is a method to expose machine-actionable navigation links that indicate downloadable resources, types and attribution – particularly for scholarly and institutional repositories which use persistent identifiers like DOIs. Signposting makes explicit the links between a typical HTML landing page and the downloadable resources that are available for the research object described by that landing pages, including content resources and machine-readable metadata such as in RDF, although the method is technology-agnostic in terms of metadata formats. It also links to persistent identifiers, both for the research object and its authors. Signposting uses existing standards to achieve this: Web Links (RFC8288) conveyed using a simple HTTP header, HTML <link> elements, and/or Linksets (RFC9264). All link relations used in Signposting are registered in the IANA Link Relations Registry. Signposting client libraries have been developed for Python and for Ruby, along with a set of benchmark tests for tools to verify parsing and compliance. Repositories currently implementing Signposting include Dataverse and WorkflowHub. Additional information regarding adoption status is available.
RO-Crate has been established as a community effort to practically achieve FAIR packaging of research objects (digital objects like data, methods, software, etc.) with their structured metadata. RO-Crate is based on well-established Web standards and FAIR principles. For its common metadata representations, RO-Crate builds on, a mature and general mark-up vocabulary used by search engines including Google Dataset Search. RO-Crate libraries are available for Javascript, Python, Ruby and Java, and in addition any RDF tooling supporting JSON-LD can be used (e.g. for knowledge graphs). RO-Crate is being adopted by a range of EU/EOSC projects and can be seen as a pragmatic implementation of the FAIR digital objects vision as highlighted by EOSC’s Interoperability Framework.
Successful applicants to Enabling FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate for content/metadata discovery and consumption:
- Panayiotis Andreou, UCLan Cyprus/ESFRI SLICES-RI
- Dieuwertje Bloemen, LIBIS @ KU Leuven
- Chokri Ben Romdhane; CNUDST
- Piero Campalani, Climate and Disaster Risk group – Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Eurac Research
- Sara El-Gebali, FAIRPoints/SciLifeLab
- Anne Fouilloux, Simula Research Laboratory
- Hallvard Indgjerd, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
- Dragan Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad
- Leyla Jael Castro, Knowledge Management Group, German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) - Information Centre Life Sciences
- Kathryn Cassidy, Digital Repository of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy
- Matthias Löbe, Institute for Medical Informatics (IMISE), University of Leipzig representing NFDI4Health (observer)
- Rory MacNeil, Research Space
- Balázs Pataki, Department of Distributed Systems, Computing and Automation Research Institute (SZTAKI)
- Óscar Sánchez Martínez, Dialnet Foundation
In this offer we will support work towards these goals:
Support offer details |
Who should apply |
Applicants should be actively involved in the development, operation and/or management of repositories that host research objects, including, but not necessarily limited, to research data. Ideally, the group of participants should consist of about 50% technical developers and 50% information architects. |
Skills needed to participate |
A good working knowledge as a developer or information architect of HTTP, REST, and web standards. Ideally applicants will also have some experience with JSON and Tuition on methods and specifications will be provided as part of the support action. |
Virtual workshops and expected homework |
Support providers and mentors |
What are the requirements from participants? |
We anticipate that successful applicants will need to allocate 5 days to undertake this support action. The five days will include participation in three half-day joint workshops and the necessary pre-event preparation and post-event interview. During the first workshop, participants will be introduced to the FAIR Signposting and RO-Crate technologies and build a common understanding of the goals of this call. In between the first and second workshops (approximately 1 week), participants will develop their implementation ideas, possibly early prototypes and documentation dive-ins. Participants are not competing, but can collaborate throughout the action using a dedicated Slack server, encouraging any cross-implementation integration. In the intermediate scoping session, participants present briefly their plans, followed by collaborative brainstorming across participants and with FAIR-IMPACT support to mature the concrete plans. In the next 3 weeks, participants will prototype their approaches and implementations, and prepare for an internal demonstration within the action. The asynchronous support and Slack discussions will continue, in addition to a regular weekly office hour for 1-1 FAIR-IMPACT support. In the final half-day reporting workshop, each participant demonstrates their approach, and the group discuss future plans and potential collaboration beyond FAIR-IMPACT. FAIR-IMPACT will then prepare a public report which participants can revise. Participants will also be invited to optionally submit a short pre-recorded video for dissemination in a FAIR Implementation webinar. |
What FAIR-IMPACT will provide to enable participation |
What we expect from participants |
How many applicants will be supported? | A maximum of 15 individuals or small teams will be supported to participate in this support action. |
Supporting materials
Timeline for first open call |
Call launch |
31 March 2023 |
Deadline for applications |
1 June 2023 |
Selection of applicants |
End of June 2023 |
Applicants informed of decision |
Beginning of July 2023 |
Expected start date for support actions |
The start date will vary depending on the specific support action. However we anticipate that these will begin in autumn 2023. |
Who can apply?
This call is open to individuals, groups or organisations from public and private research-performing organisations, including:
- Research-performing organisations and research infrastructures;
- Repositories, data and metadata service providers;
- Representatives of national and international level initiatives.
Applicants must reside and/or work in an EU or Associated Country for the duration of the grant. A key aim for FAIR-IMPACT is to prioritise support for organisations, groups, and/or individuals based in countries or representing domains that are currently less advanced in terms of their FAIR enabling capacity2.
The call is not open to individuals or groups based at any of the FAIR-IMPACT project partner organisations nor to individuals who hold the status of FAIR Champions under FAIR-IMPACT.