A meeting of the Research Data Management Working Group (AK FDM) took place at the Stuttgart University Library. Representatives from all universities in Baden-Württemberg came together to exchange ideas on FDM topics and discuss new developments. In addition, the following lectures were given by external guests: F-UJI: A tool for the automated assessment and improvement of the FAIRness of research data Robert Huber (University of Bremen) Electronic laboratory books - support from data collection to publication Carolin Leister, Nico Brandt, Arnd Koeppe and Michael Selzer (KIT).
FAIR-IMPACT at the event
Robert Huber (UniBremen and partner of FAIR-IMPACT) will present the F-UJI to the Baden würtemberg research data community
Official event page: https://bwfdm.de/aktuelles/aktuelles-anzeige/ak-fdm-treffen-in-stuttgart/