Resulting from the Open Science Flash Call "Research practices and open data" launched by the ANR in 2019, FooSIN aims to facilitate the gradual implementation of the FAIR principles for data in agriculture and agri-food.
The project proposes a methodology based on the exchange of experiences as well as tools to guide managers and producers to evaluate and improve their practices. FooSIN is particularly interested in the application of FAIR principles to semantic resources (ontologies, thesauri, vocabularies, etc.) which are themselves a tool to make data more FAIR (principle I2).
In line with the AgroHackathon of 2016 and 2017, which brought together (resp. around 30 and 15) researchers and developers around questions of semantics in agronomy (in the broad sense), we are relaunching the event (shifted several times due to Covid-19) with a focus on the FAIR level assessment. FAIR_data_principles.jpg The objective of this AgroHackathon will be to demonstrate that tools and methodologies for assessing the level of FAIRness make resources more FAIR.
The hackathon will take the form of a contest where participants, who “come” with their resource (e.g., dataset, semantic resource) will be challenged to increase the level of FAIRness of their resource between the start and the end of the hackathon. Thus, the indicator of success will not necessarily be the final level of FAIRness obtained at the end of the hackathon, but more the delta of score gained. “Coaches” will offer to accompany the participants using their tools (or others).
FAIR-IMPACT at the event
The event counted with coaches for FAIR assessment tools done by FAIR-IMPACT partners (F-UJI, FsF recs, O'FAIRe, FOOPS)
Official webpage: