The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with participation of national and international organizations, associations and other sponsors has the honor to invite for the 1st International conference "Open science and innovation in Ukraine 2022", which will be held on October 27-28, 2022 in Kyiv in online format.
OSICU2022 is an international scientific conference on open science and innovation in Ukraine (timed to the international week of open access), which is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and with the support of international organizations. Leading experts from around the world will share their experience and discuss the ways of implementing the best practices of open science and innovation in Ukraine. The event includes presentations of top international specialists and experts. The conference is timed to the international Week of Open Access.
OSICU2022 is a platform for the exchange of experience for scientists, representatives of scientific libraries, repositories, research projects, employees in the field of IT, publishers of scientific journals, developers of scientific information platforms and systems, graduate students and young scientists, project managers, startups co-organizers, library associations, scientists working on the development of artificial intelligence.
FAIR-IMPACT at the event
Gabriela Mejias (from DataCite & partner of FAIR-IMPACT project) was invited to do a 15min presentation on "Persistent Identifiers as an Open Science Infrastructure", on 27th October.
Official webpage: